You don't need anything but 30 minutes, a mat, and the will to push yourself through this total-body strength workout that uses your body weight to create resistance.
Here are two good strategies for leaning into your lazy. First, set an absurdly attainable goal. Want to do 50 pushups a day? Start with 2. Want to run a marathon, set a goal to walk 1 mile a week. Second, make it harder to NOT do the good thing. Leave your workout clothes ontop of the TV remote.
We leave topics week by week but we all agree that leaving hurt, pain, resentment, and anger behind takes a lot longer and is an on-going process. Don't stop doing the work, you deserve to be free from the things that weight you down.
Some people believe that structure is the opposite of freedom. In fact, the opposite is true. Bringing structure into our lives forces us to get creative and keeps up inventing and reinventing our routines.