Monday Video and Workout

Self-worth isn't arrogance. Being self-confident doesn't mean you're being prideful. And yet, we often conflate these ideas and it can start to feel like holding yourself in high regard is a boastful character flaw. How can we balance humility and self-esteem?

Friday Video and Workout

There's no one right way to enjoy the holidays and no one can dictate to you what you should be doing, feeling, making, buying, enjoying. Give yourself permission to celebrate on your terms. Accept those invitations. Or don't. Shop like crazy. Or don't.

Friday Video and Workout

As so many of you have mentioned, volunteerism and faith go hand in hand. Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Christianity, Islam, and more all place a high value on serving others. Regardless of your personal beliefs, it's clear that the core of what it means to be human is connecting with others.

Monday Video and Workout

I don't have to convince you that volunteering is a good way to help others. But what if we started to think about service as one of the pillars of personal health and wellness? What are you already doing in your life to help other people? What are you passionate about?


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