
Friday Video and Workout

The last few shoutouts this week have me thinking about how much of who we are socially is learned when we're young and seeking the attention of our caregivers (or possibly avoiding their attention?). So much to unpack. I'm really grateful to you all for the wonderful conversation this week.

Tuesday Video and Workout

I knew there would be a tidal wave of cuteness but WOW, I'm blown away by all the pups, cats, birds, horses, and hamsters I've met in the past 24 hours. And I love all the stories of how these furry friends came into your lives!

Tuesday Video and Workout

When it comes to holiday stress, we all need to give ourselves permission to say "no." We don't have to attend every party, sign up for every event, or join in every activity. We've also got to set boundaries with the people in our lives and well and not feel the need to apologize for doing so.


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