
Thursday Video and Workout

The struggle to feel worthy is real and we live in a culture where that self-worth is often tied to your appearance. Men have to be ripped and macho, and women have to be feminine and pretty. Those messages are as inescapable as they are toxic and wrong.

Thursday Video and Workout

Many of you have talked about putting the focus on experiences, and building new traditions with your families (and your families that are made up of friends). It's hard to let go of those old, ingrained traditions but, sometimes, it's the path to finding the happy in Happy Holidays.

Thursday Video and Workout

We all know that you can be 100% solid in one part of your life, and a total mess in another. If you want a new result, you'll need a new system. Systems work for sleeping, eating, working out, time management, keeping the house clean, and keeping your finances in order.


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